Opera has launched just a few hours ago -at the time, we were writing this article.- The new version of Opera Mobile 11 and Opera Mini 6 are available for most operating systems and the promo they are using is focused on a rock band where every player is related to the desired OS; seven platforms, 3,000 different devices and 100 million Opera users around the world. Opera Mobile 11 is ready to download for Android, Symbian, Windows Phone 7 and MeeGo, and Opera Mini 6 for Android, BlackBerry and Symbian. Sorry iOS, no love for you from Norway…
If you want to follow all about this, don´t forget to visit the site.
If you want to follow all about this, don´t forget to visit the site.
All Opera Mobile/Mini versions: Official thread
Info extracted from the following original post in General section
Ok guys go for your new Opera Mobile 11 and Opera mini 6 for almost any OS!!Dont forget to let us know how is working!http://www.opera.com/mobile/next/#android
Continue to the Opera thread.
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