Adobe Photoshop is amazing software that gives us numerous possibilities of creating cool and remarkable text effects. It just needs a little bit of exploring filter effects and layer styles. Combining different effects and layer styles produces the results that otherwise may not be possible. Today my guide is about flame text effect. You may have seen this effect on posters ofhorror movies or websites. We can create this text effect in Adobe Photoshop CS versions. I have tried to simplify the process as much as I can, while trying to produce realistic results. Let’s learn this effect
Open adobe Photoshop and create a new document. You can vary the size up to your requirements.
Fill the background with Black color. Now pick the type tool from the toolbar and write any text in the middle of the document. Make sure to leave the space for flames. You can use any type of font, but I will recommend you to use any serif font. I have used Times New Roman. You can keep the size of font to 30 points or vary it according to your needs.
Now right click on the text layer and click Rasterize layer. We will apply the filter of wind. For thisfilter to apply we need to rotate the canvas. Go to image > rotate canvas >90o clockwise.
Now go to Filter>Stylize>Wind. In the dialog box of Wind filter, select the options of “Wind” and “From the Left “. Repeat the filter three times or you can repeat it depending on how high flames you want.
After applying the Wind filter, rotate back the canvas. For this again go to Image>Rotate Canvas>90o anti-clockwise. Take marquee tool and make a selection around the text.
Now is the time to apply the liquify filter. Using this filter we will give wavy shape to our flames that will make it looks like real fire. Go to Filter>Liquify. Select the forward warp tool. Increase the brush size to 100px. Now with this soft brush move some flames slightly right and some flames slightly left. Do not apply the brush on letters. Just use it on flames. You can refer to the following screen shot.
Now while in liquify dialog box, decrease the brush size to 30px and use it on edges of letters to give the impact as flames are shooting from the text. Apply it everywhere on the letters where you can give the impact of shooting flames. Click OK to exit liquify dialog box.

Now we will add some color to our flame to give it a realistic effect. On the bottom of the layer panel, click “create new fill or adjustment layer”. From the visible list, select the hue/saturation. This will open the dialog box of hue and saturation. Check the option of colorize given at the bottom of the hue/saturation dialog box. Now keep the value of the hue to 33 and keep the value of the saturation to 100. Leave the lightness to default. Click OK to apply the colors. To give it even more realistic effect, again go to layer panel and click on “create new fill or adjustment layer”. Again click on hue/saturation. This time don’t check the option of colorize and set the value of hue to -15. Press ok to apply the colors. So the final result is
This was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial. If you face any difficulty or confusion, please use the comments section.