Rovio CEO Mikael Hed says the badly accepted Angry Birds bold is advancing to Facebook abutting ages with “completely new aspects to it that aloof haven’t been accomplished in any added platform.”
According to All Facebook, Hed acclimated the chat “collaborative” to call aspects of the game, abacus that “the pigs will accept a added arresting role.”
Take a attending at the Angry Birds folio on Facebook, and you’ll see that article is up. If you “like” the page, Rovio promises to accumulate you acquaint on all the latest account about the accessible Angry Birds clearing to Facebook.
Other bold developers charge be appetent of the brief acceleration of Angry Birds. First it starts out as an iPhone game, again it’s ported to Android, Palm and Nokia, again aback there are assorted versions of the game, and it’s assuming up on PCs, PSP/PS3, Windows 7 Phone, there’s a cine tie-in, an activated series, and there’s alike a 3D adaptation in the works. And abutting ages we’ll be arena it on the better amusing arrangement in the world.
Please acquaint us in the comments how you anticipate Angry Birds will do on Facebook, and what you anticipate that collaborative aspect of the bold ability be.
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